5 Thirty Minute Decluttering Projects.

We all know that a cluttered mess which has accumulated over the years can be very daunting. In our previous blogs we have given you lots of hints and tips to help you on your cleaning journeys, but we also realize you just don’t have the time to spend clearing out clutter. These tasks need not feel so disheartening, by breaking them down into small 30-minute projects you can tackle even the messiest of homes in an easy, stress free and organized way.

Here are our five best ways to get started.

Kitchen Countertop

The best way to start is to set your timer for a thirty-minute countdown then get going! kitchen counters can accumulate considerable clutter and can become a households main dumping ground. Start by moving non kitchen items back to their proper homes; books belong on shelves, bags can go back to bedrooms and clothes into wardrobes. Clean and wipe the tiles and backsplashes and any appliances you have out. Give the counters a spray and a scrub and you have completed your first 30-minute cleaning project!

Under the bed!

Out of sight out of mind! Even if you have a divan bed with pull out drawers this can become a problem area in your bedroom. Shoes, clothes and even papers can build up under the bed and dust and dirt can become a significant problem. Start by putting all the stray shoes away in your shoe cupboard, then collect all the clothes and place them in the wardrobe or the wash hamper, after that clear out any books and papers and file them away. Finally, buy two cheap storage boxes with wheels in Ikea that can easily slide underneath the bed and place your fresh bed linen in them.

Sort your hot-press

Have you been keeping track of your bedroom linens or towel sets? Its quite possible that over the years you have not purged all your old ones and now the hot-press is stuffed with unwanted sets. Start by setting aside your least favourite or ill-fitting pieces, then check through your towels to see what ones are old and frayed. Certain charity shops take old bed linens so long as they are clean and in good condition. It might be harder to salvage your old towels, but there could be a textile recycling center in your area that will take them. Any remaining linen can be folded and stacked according to size and colour.

Children’s toy box

One of the most dreaded areas of the house! the toy box can become a hardship for you to overcome. Start by setting your timer to thirty minutes, then get stuck in. First empty the box and place all the toys on the floor so you can see every one. Bin any beyond repair ones and place the toys that don’t belong back in their rightful place. Finally, any unused and unloved toys can be placed in a bag ready for donation.

Clear your desk

With many of us working from home in recent years our desks can become unloved and heavily cluttered. It doesn’t take long for papers to pile high and drawers to spill over, so start by shredding and recycling all useless paper then file and sort all the important ones. Clear away empty cups and glasses then tidy out the drawers. Phew! Great work, and all in under thirty minutes.

If you are based in the Kildare or Dublin areas, whether you’re on the market already or just thinking about selling, if you’d like our advice on how you can declutter your home or if you would like a valuation of your home, call us on 045 815855, 01 912 5500 or email info@byrnemalone.ie and we can help you transform your space. We’re always here to help and would love to hear from you!